Śląski Urząd Wojewódzki w Katowicach


  • I

    Who does it apply to?

    A foreigner, in respect of whom there is a presumption that he is a victim of trafficking in human beings, is issued a certificate confirming the existence of this presumption.

    A foreigner’s stay on Polish territory is considered legitimate during the period of validity of the certificate issued to him

    The certificate is valid for a period of three months from the date of issue and in the case of a minor foreigner - for a period of four months from the date of issue.

  • II

    Additional documents

    You are obliged to submit:

    • A certificate issued by an authorised institution confirming the presumption that you are a victim of human trafficking
    • A certificate confirming that you have started co-operation with an authorised institution (on human trafficking combating).