Śląski Urząd Wojewódzki w Katowicach


  • I

    Who does it apply to?

    An application for granting temporary residence permit for the purpose of studying can be submitted if the purpose of stay on Polish territory is undertaking or continuation of studies in the higher education institution approved by the minister of interior, unless this institution is not subject to mandatory approval or in the higher education institution, which is not subject to mandatory approval, for which no decision on the prohibition of accept the foreigners.

    The temporary residence permit for studies is also granted to the foreigner, when the studies being the continuation or complementation of studies taken up at the territory of the other EU Member State.

    The temporary residence permit for studies shall be granted also when the purpose of stay at the territory of the Republic of Poland is completing the preparatory course to take up full-time Master degree studies and the doctoral course, provided that the foreigner holds the citizenship of one of the states specified by the ordinance of the Council of Minister.


  • II

    Additional documents

    The foreigner is obliged to submit:

    • certificate from the entity offering studies about the acceptance of intended studies or about continuation of the studies  or participating in preparatory courses required to enter such studies.

    • Transcript of academic record or confirmed copy of this document issued by an institution conducting  studies,  which subjects the course of education in case of foreigner’s continuation of studies.

    • Proof of the studies fee payment (if studying is not free),

    • documents confirming having sufficient funds to cover the cost of living and travel back to the country of origin or residence or transit to a third country, which grants permission to enter and to pay for the studies; The amount of monthly funds, upon deducting the funds dedicated to cover the costs of residence, held by the foreigner to cover the costs of stay, should be higher than the income entitling to financial benefits from social aid institutions laid down in the Act of 12 March 2004 on social aid for the foreigner and each dependent family member (should exceed PLN 528 for the family members or PLN 701 for persons living alone). It is assumed that these costs of residence cover at least the amount of fixed charges for the use of the occupied apartment per number of people living in it as well as charges for supplies of power, gas, water and disposal of sewage, waste and liquid waste,

    • documents confirming having health insurance required by the Act of 27 July 2004 on health care services paid by public treasure or a confirmation that any medical treatment in Poland will be paid by an insurance company (e.g. a suitable document of ZUS – The Polish Social Insurance Institution or insurance policy);